
Pharmacy Consulting

Transparent Pharmacy Benefits

Buyers of healthcare deserve true transparency. Without proper data and facts, buyers of healthcare have no way to make sound purchasing decisions. How can you make a good buying decision if you aren’t given real, clear pricing? We believe that this actionable data belongs to YOU! Utilizing a transparent Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) is an immediate way to begin to manage healthcare costs. We can show you how.

Spread pricing is only ONE way PBM’s take advantage of most health plans. Spread pricing is the difference between what self-funded plans pay the PBM and what the PBM pays for the prescription drugs. Knowing about these tactics empowers employers to make better purchasing decisions.

“Josh helped set up an account in 15 minutes. Quick and easy. He saved me over $4500 a year on my prescription. I have never had an advisor that was so fast. I highly recommend him.”

Lew, Amarillo