
10 Funniest ICD-10 Codes You Might Not Know Exist

10 Funniest ICD-10 Codes You Might Not Know Exist

If you’ve ever looked at an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) after a medical event, you may have asked your kids if you could borrow their Ceasar Cipher super secret decoder ring to try and figure out what all these alphanumeric codes are.  Those codes, generally, called ICD-10 codes, which are used to describe not just a diagnosis, but also procedures doctors and health professionals conduct, are very complex and detailed.

Not that you care all that much, but ICD stands for “International Classification of Disease”, and we are currently on the 10th iteration of this universal coding language, hence ICD-10.

When the world transitioned from ICD-9 to ICD-10, healthcare professionals and facilities went from being able to choose from 14,000 diagnostic codes to 70,000 and from 4,000 procedure codes to 72,000.  Needless to say, there’s quite a bit of absurdity to all this, and I wanted to share a few of the funniest ICD-10 codes I’ve come across, and yes, these are real.

  1.  W59.21XA – Bitten by turtle, initial encounter

Who gets bit by a turtle more than once?  Professional turtle dealers?  The kids racing turtles at the 4th of July picnic?  Nope, I think Chuck Berry is responsible for this ICD-10 code, he used to swim across Turtle Creek when he was a kid….with both hands holding on to his “you know what”.  Yall remember that song?

  1. V97.33XD – Sucked into a jet engine, subsequent encounter

“Well doc, the jet obviously didn’t spot me on their radar.”  I would understand the necessity of this code if I were say, a Canada goose.  “Hey, how’d you get that scar on your arm?”…. “Sucked into a jet engine back in Nam”.  But I’m sure this has happened to at least someone, right?  If that’s you, sorry man, that sucks…….

  1. V95.43XS –  Spacecraft collision injuring occupant, sequela

Houston, we have a problem!  Buzz Lightyear up there being reckless like it’s a go-cart race or something.  I swear, he better have full coverage and not just liability. 

  1. W61.12XA – Struck by macaw, initial encounter

Someone has been watching too much Aladdin on this one.  I can see how many initial encounters with macaws end in violence though….I mean, if you kept trying to get me to cat-call every woman that walked by, or say “polly wants a freakin cracker” over and over, I’d probably be ready to strike as well.

  1. R46.1 – Bizarre personal appearance

WTH is this???  Doctors can get paid by diagnosing you with “bizarre personal appearance”???  lol….no wonder Lady Gaga’s doctor is loaded.  Surgery usually makes this condition worse btw….

  1. Z63.1 – Problems in relationship with in-laws

I know what you’re thinking…, that actually getting along with your in-laws is a more rare condition that needs medical attention.  I see what they did here….

  1. V91.07XD – Burn due to water-skis on fire, subsequent encounter

No doubt, in honor of Evel Knievel.  Serious question here, how are you supposed to “stop, drop, and roll” in the water?

  1. Y92.146 – Swimming pool of prison as place of occurrence of the external cause

The guards must have really been cracking down on “can-openers” and “cannon balls”.  Either that or the Belly Flop for Bail event completely got out of hand.

  1. V00.01XD – Pedestrian on foot injured in collision with roller-skater

Now I’ve witnessed this one personally.  At Sonic Drive-In.  Nasty wreck indeed.  Brown bag specials were flying all over the place.

  1. V00.01XD – Fecal urgency

You can read all about this diagnosis in the New York Times best-selling book, “50 Yards to the Outhouse” by Willy Makeit, and Betty Don’t. 

One has to wonder just how much time doctors spend trying to find the perfect code for a patient?  Hope you enjoyed a little levity….

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