
Butler Benefits & Consulting to Erase $1.5 Million of Medical Debt For Citizens in Potter and Randall Counties

Butler Benefits & Consulting, a leader in innovative healthcare solutions, has partnered with RIP Medical Debt, a New York-based 501(c)(3), to eliminate $1.5 Million of medical debt for residents in Potter and Randall Counties.  Medical debt destroys the financial security of a large segment of Amarillo’s most vulnerable citizens:  the poor, the sick, the elderly, and veterans.  It also impacts middle class families who are barely getting by. Unexpected and expensive medical events push many families into poverty.  Medical debt isn’t the result of bad purchasing decisions.  It’s a debt of necessity.

“Medical debt is different than all other kinds of debt,” said Josh Butler, President of Butler Benefits.  “The people that have incurred these debts aren’t going to hospitals looking to run up tens of thousands of dollars in charges.  The majority of these people had something unexpected happen, an accident, a heart attack, cancer….and many of them were even insured.”  “At Butler Benefits, our charitable efforts focus on strengthening our community by supporting health, human services, and healthcare education.  These efforts align with our company’s core mission of improving the affordability and effectiveness of healthcare.”

Butler Benefits’ initial campaign will positively affect more than 1400 Amarillo residents and subsequently help the recipients repair their credit reports – renewing their access to opportunities and resources that will allow them to rebuild and recover.

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