Understanding Basic Concepts of Self-Funding
TransparencySelf-funding is the first step for employers who want to control health care costs. Gaining access to claims data arms the employer/plan with information necessary to manage costs. As Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve ...
Somehow, a deep dichotomy has developed in the healthcare consulting/brokering world between those who rely mainly on relationships to keep and win business, and those who rely on delivering better results to win over new business.I find myself torn between these two schools of thought, ...
How we helped Kevin save over $8,000 on two MRI’s
A few weeks ago, Kevin, a friend of mine, called me up and said his doctor had referred him to a facility and that he needed two MRIs of his mid and lower back prior to a procedure he was set to have done.Like most other people, he listened to his doctor, and he called the facility to ...
Their Margin is Your Opportunity, Seize It
Jeff Bezos has famously said, “Your margin is my opportunity”, implying that Amazon delivers lower prices by removing unnecessary costs added by middlemen in the supply chain. Amazon is very successful doing this, and it continues to deliver real value to consumers through lower ...
Two for Two: Two Simple Strategies to Save our City $2M
Two specific strategies. Two million dollars of savings opportunity.The City of Amarillo is once again out to bid for Third-Party Administration (TPA) and Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) services after rescinding a previously awarded RFP to Aetna and CVS late last ...
Why we should meet…..5 Reasons
Your telephone rings, it's me....."Hi, do you want to meet and talk for two hours about health insurance?" ....click....Even though I would never say this, because it's not my objective for meeting, I swear the prospective client hears this in their mind. They tell themselves, ...
New level of transparency in healthcare: ABC 7 News
Beginning January 1, 2021, hospitals were required by federal regulation to post their prices and negotiated reimbursements from third-party payors online for patients/consumers to access. The Centers of Medicare/Medicaid (CMS) stipulated hospitals must post pricing and reimbursement amounts for ...