Blog Posts

623% Price Difference for Common Surgery

623% Price Difference for Common SurgeryIf you were to apply a 623% price differential to an average gallon of gasoline, it would be like one station charging $2.73 per gallon compared to another station charging $17.01 per gallon.In a society and economy where people will go out of their way, drive an extra 5 ...

An Ounce of Prevention

An Ounce of PreventionIn 1736, after fires had started on a ship that spread to the wharf in Philadelphia, burning down many warehouses and several residential houses, Benjamin Franklin helped organize the first Fire Department in the City.  Franklin also started an insurance company because of this event named ...

Self-funding is “too risky”…

Self-Funding is "too risky"....There are so many myths about self-funding medical benefits it's not even funny. Being "too risky" has to be the #1 objection I hear from employers when it comes to the topic.I have a public sector client (County), and last year at a Commissioner's meeting, I uttered the words, ...

Beware of Brokers Bearing GAP Plans

Beware of Brokers Bearing GAP PlansAt first glance, it seems like such a great idea.  In fact, at second glance, it still seems like such a great idea.You raise your health plan’s deductible up in order to lower your monthly premiums, then you supplement it back with a GAP plan that will “buy ...

Do Your Employees Love or Hate Their Health Plan?

Do Your Employees Love or Hate Their Health Plan?One of the most common criticisms we hear about health insurance is the rapidly deteriorating “value” employees get from high-priced insurance plans.  Premiums seem to rise every year, deductibles get larger, networks get smaller, copays become unaffordable….and ...

Our Prescriptions Don’t Cost the Same!!!

Our Prescriptions Don't Cost the Same!!!So last week I was in an employee open-enrollment meeting with a client that was renewing, and two guys flagged me down to "pull my ear" about a "situation" they needed answers on. Ok, no big deal, these guys seemed reasonable enough, so I sat down.The first ...

10 Funniest ICD-10 Codes You Might Not Know Exist

10 Funniest ICD-10 Codes You Might Not Know ExistIf you’ve ever looked at an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) after a medical event, you may have asked your kids if you could borrow their Ceasar Cipher super secret decoder ring to try and figure out what all these alphanumeric codes are.  Those codes, generally, ...