Extended Release = Now we can charge 1000% more! The gamification of RX drugs.
Imagine this: The board of directors at Airwyyck, a company that makes plug in scented air fresheners, (not a real company, it's why I said "imagine") are all huddled around a very lengthy conference table listening to R&D's latest/greatest idea that will generate mountains of cash. We're talking full-blown ...
The Shift Shapers Podcast: Josh talks about challenges small employers face in healthcare benefits.
Smaller employers, typically those under 50 employees, have long struggled to reign in healthcare/benefits costs in their companies. In the "small group" market (those under 50 employees) are in what we call the "Community Rated" market, meaning they are lumped in with thousands of other companies around the country who ...
Treating Severe COVID At Home: Be Prepared
Just about a month ago, I began experiencing flu-like symptoms. Congestion, sinus pressure, headaches, etc., nothing serious. A couple of days later, my 11-year old son tested positive for COVID. It was a foregone conclusion that the entire house would come down with it, and we did. My Direct Primary Care ...
A City Gone Politically Tone-Deaf
In early November, the citizens of Amarillo voted down, once again, Proposition A, which would have raised property tax rates by historical amounts. That marked the second time the Amarillo voters denied attempts to significantly raise taxes. The revenues from this historic tax increase, while vaguely ...
Show Me The Data: Using historic claims data to build better strategies
Imaging trying to fly an airplane cross-country without an instrument panel and no gauges. You wouldn’t dare put your life in that kind of jeopardy; not knowing how much fuel was in the tank, not knowing your altitude, not knowing your speed, not knowing your manifold pressure or engine temperature. It ...
Courage: A Requisite For Change
Mark Twain once said that “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not the absence of fear.”Few things elicit fear as much as “Change”. Making a change requires risk, and risk is scary. Risk is scary because we’re afraid of failure, we’re afraid of disappointing someone, or ...
Understanding Basic Concepts of Self-Funding
TransparencySelf-funding is the first step for employers who want to control health care costs. Gaining access to claims data arms the employer/plan with information necessary to manage costs. As Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”It doesn’t take ...