
The Shift Shapers Podcast: Josh talks about challenges small employers face in healthcare benefits.

Smaller employers, typically those under 50 employees, have long struggled to reign in healthcare/benefits costs in their companies. In the “small group” market (those under 50 employees) are in what we call the “Community Rated” market, meaning they are lumped in with thousands of other companies around the country who are also insured with a common insurance companie, ie: Aetna.

Aetna will issue rates to small group market employers based on the performance of the “community” of employers, not necessarily how one particular small group employer performed. I have literally seen small companies run 20% loss-ratios (premium paid in vs. claims paid out) and they still got a double digit renewal increase! There are few things more infuriating to employers than this, believe me.

I sat down with David Saltzman, host of The Shift Shapers Podcast to discuss strategies even small employers can pursue and how several of our current clients are leveraging common sense solutions that deliver high-quality, low-cost care to their employees.

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